16 min readSep 19, 2020


On 23 September, 2020, changes its sign from airy sign Gemini to earthy sign Taurus. Alongside, transits from fiery sign Sagittarius to watery Scorpio sign. This transit will be for 18 months till 12 April, 2022.

Rahu transit will be in Rohini Nakshatra from January end to the first week of October next year. This will give good results.

However, one has to be careful during the Rahu + Sun and Ketu + Sun conjunct periods. Rahu + Sun conjunction will occur between 15 May 2021 and 15 June 2021; while Ketu + Sun conjunction will occur twice: 17 November 2020 to 16 December 2020 and the same dates in 2021. One should be careful during this period. It is preferable to avoid starting anything new, especially during the Ketu + Sun conjunct period.


Here is how Rahu-Ketu transit 2020 impacts your life while transiting through each Bhava/House. The results shall manifest in materialistic / physical plane when seen from the Ascendant. The same results shall have more of emotional / physic impact when read from your Moon sign.

[ Please Note: These predictions are general predictions which will hold true for the related signs on the whole. For more precise and detailed predictions, order your own TRANSIT REPORT.This report will be based on your birth date, time and place and shall give the most accurate predictions with timeline events and the necessary remedies to by done by you.]


Rahu transit will now be through the second house for your sign. The focus will now be on monetary issues and finances. You will think of new ways to increase lavishness in your life. A great need and desire to earn lots of money will motivate you to put in more efforts. Still, sudden expenses may disturb your finances. Someone in the family will need monetary help.

You are likely to take some vital decisions related to career, investments or business. The unemployed shall succeed in finding a suitable vocation. A change in existing job or workplace is also very probable. Some of you could receive a promotion or a raise in salary. Businessmen will need to plan and adopt new strategies to achieve their targets and improve business. This is not the time to restart closed/old projects. You shall surely earn good income. Still, be careful in money matters. Do not be lured by get-rich-quick schemes. Long-term investments, would give favourable return in the long run.

Family bonding will improve. However, there may be some problems with your siblings or neighbors. Try to avoid unnecessary arguments and confrontation relating to inheritance. Though, time is good for those desiring a second marriage.

No major health problems are foreseen; except some viral infection issues or eye problem. Eat only home cooked nutritious meals to avoid food poisoning. Elderly people need to take care of their back and joints. Be alert regarding your health in the months of February and September.

This is going to be positive time for students. They shall get admission easily into desired educational institutes in 2021.

Caution: Refrain from using offensive words during conversation. Be careful while driving.

Remedy: Offer water to Sun in morning after bathing.


Your good phase begins with this Rahu transit ! This is the appropriate time to prioritize your own self. You would now seek more independence and shall be motivated to pursue personal goals. You shall be extremely focused on your personality, identity and body. There shall be a sudden change in your attitude as well as your personality.

Career wise, it is a good time to promote your abilities, talents and work skills. You shall be highly ambitious about gaining financial stability. Job transfers or change of work place are likely. Those is business or service sector need to be cautious in their dealings. It is not a good time to invest in speculative or risky ventures. You may face some financial crunch in the first half of 2021. New startups will be successful. Nevertheless, avoid partnerships with relatives. Sudden gain of wealth is very much possible.

Disputes with siblings over issues related to property or some family matter is very likely. This could also be the reason of differences with your own spouse. No doubt, you will find yourself attracted towards attractive, good looking people from opposite sex. However, it is surely not a good time to start a new relationship. Children’s and father’s health can be a cause for concern.

Meditation will help easy mental stress. It is a good time to join gym or partake in wellness courses. Students shall get admission to their desired courses or institutes. Those pursuing Ph. D. or any kind of research related work shall be successful in their pursuits.

Caution: Stay away from unethical activities and controversies. Also, avoid all confrontations with government authorities.

Remedy: Wear silver around your neck.


During this Rahu Transit, your focus will turn inwards. Intuitions will get stronger. Self-introspection will make you more aware of your inherent abilities. Some of you may experience a big change in your personal or professional life.

In career, you are likely to face some challenges. An undesirable transfer to a new place or department will trouble you. Travels will not yield much results. The unemployed will have difficulty in finding a suitable job. Though, you do stand a chance of settling abroad. Businessmen should be prepared to face new challenges. Unnecessary and unexpected expenses are likely to rise. This is not the right time to take any financial risk or undertake large expenditures. Though, gains are likely through secret dealings.

You shall experience mixed regarding your family and relationship. Misunderstanding and family politics will disturb you. Your love affair will be exposed to your family members. This could be the cause of disputes. If you wish to propose to your beloved or get married, do so only after May 2021. Married couples will enjoy conjugal bliss. Some of you may be blessed with a baby in the second half of 2021. Litigation matters, if any, shall be resolved in your favor.

Restlessness and lack of energy will dull you. You may suffer from lack of sleep, constipation and discomfort in the leg. There could also be some underlying health issue which may take some time to surface. So be alert to the slightest discomfort in your physical wellness.

Students are likely to get distracted from studies or experience lack of concentration. Long distance trips or travel overseas are likely.

Caution: Be careful while driving or travelling.

Remedy: Clear all clutter of unused things from your roof or loft.


The next 18 months of Rahu transit will bring you financial success, fame and positive changes in your life. A long held wish will now be fulfilled. You shall take some very important decision of your life. Social networking will increase. You shall gain through friends and influential contacts. Gains from abroad or foreign sources are very likely.

Income shall flow in from different sources. Be ready to accept new challenges. The unemployed shall get a suitable job. You may even go abroad for work. You can surely expect a promotion and/or increment in salary. Though, a new boss at workplace will not be a good news for you. Nevertheless, you need to guard against office politics and conspiracies. Businessmen will be able to expand their business through new ideas. Nonetheless they should desist from being lured by ‘get rich quick’ methods or schemes.

This is a good phase to clear all your debts. You may purchase a new property or vehicle.

You may shift residence. The time is not very good for those in love. Breakups are very likely. Marital relations may become target of family politics. There may be unpleasant exchange of words with spouse or in-laws. There may be some sudden problems related to children.

Health will be good. Still, beware of some ear related issues. Also, take due precautionary measures against viral infections. Stomach related problems may occur. Be careful when near water bodies.

Caution: Do not share your personal and confidential information with anyone- especially on social media.

Remedy: Take 1.250 kg of chana daal and turmeric; tie in a yellow cloth and donate it on a Thursday. Use silver glass for drinking water.


The focus this Rahu transit will be on your career. Those who are looking for a new job or a job change will find a suitable one. Those trying for overseas employment shall find a suitable opening. It is time to get rewards for your past efforts. You shall achieve rewards and recognition for your hard work and skills. Right opportunities will come your way to show your unique talents and skills. Though, you may face some problems in your work place. Government employees may have to face departmental or location transfers. Businessmen need to assess new contracts cautiously. Those in the fields of media and entertainment shall see unprecedented success.

Relocation is very much possible. Alternatively, renovation of house will be undertaken. Check all the property papers well before finalizing the purchase. Family and friends will be supportive. You shall also gain respect in social circles. The singles shall find a suitable match and settle down happily. For some of you, property related issues may disturb domestic peace. But you will be able to sort these out satisfactorily.

On the whole, you shall feel energetic and lively. Thought, some health issues may trouble you off and on. Joints pains and heart related issues are likely to trouble you. You may also have to take great care of your mother’s health.

You may get frequent opportunities to travel abroad. The elderly may undertake spiritual tours. Students? shall do well in exams and will get admission in institutes of their choice. Ph. D. students will have their thesis approved easily.

Caution: Do not argue with your mother. Be very careful while travelling.

Remedy: Keep your head covered as often as possible.


This Rahu transit will bring you mixed results. . Some of you shall be inclined towards philosophy or religion. You will easily solve any problem by your intelligence. At the same time, do not expect immediate results in your undertakings. Support from father or an elderly family member will be instrumental in getting the much needed luck for success.

Some changes are seen on your career front. Responsibilities and work load will increase. Differences with superiors or boss are very likely. It is advisable to maintain a patient approach and not escalate the issue. Transfer to an unwanted place or department will disturb you. However, do not think of changing your job. Also, it is not an appropriate time to start a new venture. Overall, wealth will increase. Secured long term investments should be preferred. Time is not good for speculative investments. Though, if you have a benefic Rahu in your Natal chart, you can expect some windfall.

Some of you may relocate to a new place. Misunderstandings with spouse and siblings can create tension. Arguments can take an ugly turn. Open communication will help improve relations. Despite everything, your spouse and family members will support you. Elder’s health would be a cause for concern.

On the whole, health will be good; stamina and energy levels will increase. Thought, you may feel physically and emotionally drained in the second trimester next year. Shoulder related problems may arise.

Students pursuing higher education or research work will be successful. Long distance trips and sudden foreign travels are very likely.

Caution: Stay away from taking sudden decisions and risks in your professional life.

Remedy: Wear Gold. If possible, keep a dog at home and take good care of it.


Rahu transit in the 8th house will bring positive transformations in your life. This is a time to repay some of your karmic debts. You will now be more conscious of your health. An underlying fear could grip your mind. In the midst of mental stress, some sudden good news will cheer you. Sudden fortunes are likely to favor you.

Some problems are foreseen in your professional life. You could become target of office politics or some false rumours. Do not try to prove anything to anyone. Just concentrate on doing your job diligently and patiently. You may get some job opportunities from abroad.

You should be tightfisted with your finances. Financial problems are likely. You will be able to pay off your debts. However, do not take any new loans. Investments should be made only with expert guidance. Wise investments will bring in profits.

The unattached may find themselves attracted to the wrong persons. Domestic life will be just average. You may have to stay away from your family for some time. You may face problems with relatives and family. There could be disputes relating to inheritance. Court cases will not favor you.

You will need to take care of your health. Lethargy may set in. You may suffer from health issues that would need immediate attention. Accidents and mishaps are likely. Also, some of you may have to go in for surgery on the lower body especially around the genital area. Food poisoning is also likely; so keep away from unhygienic junk food.

Students will find it difficult to concentrate on their lessons.

Caution: Do not try to control people or circumstances.

Remedy: Keep a square piece of silver with yourself.


During this Rahu transit, a feeling of isolation will set in despite being in the crowd. You shall be in a state of dilemma. Being impulsive will lead to making wrong choices. It would be wise to take expert advice before taking important decisions. You may receive timely help from an unknown person.

You shall now concentrate on earning more money. In the process you are likely to ignore other vital areas of life. Nonetheless, be cautions in matters involving money. Businessmen shall get opportunities to work on long term projects. Some of your important projects may be stuck or delayed. This is not a good time for partnership business.

This is a very sensitive phase for your relationships — be it personal or professional. Disagreements with spouse and partners are very likely. The eligible singles shall get married. Busy work schedule will not allow you to give enough time to family. Marital harmony will be disturbed. Health of spouse too could be a cause for concern. Using sharp words or trying to dominate your wife will lead to disputes. It is a good time for estranged couples to reconcile their differences and lead life together. Childless couples shall be blessed with a baby.

Mental strain is likely to adversely affect your physical wellbeing. Health will be below average with low immunity. Fatigue, lethargy, lack of sleep, digestive problems, joint pains, etc. shall trouble you. But these problems will be short lived. However, pregnant women need to be extra cautious about their health.

Foreign travel opportunities are strongly indicated. You shall travel abroad for work or education purpose.

Caution: Keep your documents and valuables secured.

Remedy: Float coconuts or almonds in the running water. Recite Hanuman Chalisa for good health.


This Rahu transit brings a promising period ahead. Problems will reduce. Your confidence and daring will increase. You will be able to take on challenges with a renewed energy. Enemies will try to trouble you. However, you shall be able to subdue them with your intelligence and alertness. You may suddenly develop interest in the occult sciences, spirituality, mantras, etc.

You shall experience many changes in the professional area. No doubt, some professional challenges will come up; but you will be able to overcome them. Disagreement with superiors or boss is very likely. Nevertheless, do not thinking of quitting your job. Those entering a new line of work shall feel very enthusiastic and positive. You can get good results in the most unexpected areas.

Sources of income and wealth accumulation will increase. Do not invest money in new ventures for now. Finances will improve with time. Income from new sources is likely. You could gain from foreign sources or litigation. Expenditures are likely to be incurred on religious activities or celebrations. This is the right period to settle your outstanding debts. Be cautious in case you are taking any loan.

Marital harmony will return. Misunderstandings will be cleared. Health needs caution. Remain alert towards stomach or digestion related problem. Some of you may undergo surgery of/around the stomach area. You will need to control your cravings for sweets.

Those appearing for competitive exams shall be successful. This transit will be favorable for those aspiring to go abroad.

Caution: Keep away from unnecessary fights or arguments. It will be very important to keep your ego in check.

Remedy: Keep a black or brown dog. If that is not possible, keep a lead nail with yourself.


Things will definitely start getting better this Rahu transit. Though, not everything will be resolved. The period after May 2021 will bring you more relief. You shall feel more confident and enthusiastic now to resolve issues smartly. Time is also ripe to clear off some past karma.

This is a positive period for professionals to unleash their creative potential.You shall now get opportunities to showcase your innovative skills. This is the appropriate time to turn your hobbies into your profession. New authors will find good openings to publish their work. Business minded people can start a new venture. They shall gain from long term projects. You may be tempted to invest in speculation — but that will result in a loss. Also stay away from risky ventures. This is a very promising phase for growth in earnings and business though.

Love life is likely to be disturbed. Though, singles shall meet a new love interest — someone who is very unlike them. You may also meet some old friends or revisit an environment of the past. Misunderstandings with family is very likely. Avoid heated arguments with your spouse. Else, situation is likely to turn aggressive. There may be problems in conception of a baby. Children and their education may be a matter of concern.

You might stay emotionally distressed in this phase. Women, especially, need to be careful about their health. You may have issues relating to the digestion.

Students may opt for some higher study or skill enhancement programs. However, there are possibilities of breaks in education. The adventurous ones may undertake a trip to new or remote lands.

Caution: Preferably, stay from home and family, if possible.

Remedy: Keep a small elephant made of silver at home.


This Rahu transit calls for action. You shall get ample opportunities to grow and make a name for yourself. You shall now be able to achieve and enjoy the materialistic comforts you yearned for. However, inner peace and calmness will be missing. The focus will be on your career and family matters.

The unemployed will find a new job offer with good salary package. This is a good time for salaried employees, professionals, and business-persons. You can experiment with innovative ways to boost your career. Though, your efforts may not get immediate appreciation and recognition it deserves. Be prepared for sudden changes at work place. Some of you may leave your job and opt for some independent work. You may have your own office now. Long term plans may not materialize. Hence, it would be wise to concentrate on working towards short term goals. Those involved in holistic or spiritual healings shall progress well. You would need to keep some control over your finances. Increased expenses may give you a hard time.

You will be blessed with luxuries, house and vehicles. There are chances of shifting residence or renovating the house. It is good time to relocate to a foreign country. Auspicious celebrations will bring joy to the home environment.

Some trouble or accident due to vehicles is possible in this period. Mother’s health could suffer. Avoid arguments with her.

Long distance travels and foreign trips are also possible. Students will have a tough time in focusing on their studies. Those aspiring to study abroad shall get admission in foreign universities.

Caution: Be careful after mid-2021. You may be the target of some conspiracy or betrayal.

Remedy: Wear silver on your body. Serve and respect your mother.


Rahu transit in your third house brings positive vibes back to your life. You shall now get inquisitive about new ideas and new beliefs. Your will power will be stronger. You shall earn financial success, name and fame by your own efforts.

Career wise, you shall be appropriately rewarded for your efforts. Besides getting new responsibilities, you shall gain increments and a new position in your workplace. Businessmen will now be able to focus more on improving their businesses. You shall gain from long term projects. Time is appropriate for new ventures. You shall be strongly inclined to start your own business. Those in careers related to media or communication can look forward for some rewarding times. You shall enjoy strong financial stability. Besides, unexpected gains of wealth are likely. You may even benefit from your in laws.

Domestic harmony will give you happiness. A chance meeting with someone can turn into a long time relationship. Family get together and short trips are very likely. Be considerate towards your partner. Don’t impose your decisions upon them. Those settled abroad are likely to feel very homesick. You may even contemplate returning to your homeland.

Be careful of injuries to arms or shoulder. You may have many short trips during this time which might prove beneficial. Moreover, you may even travel abroad. Though, at times, some trips may have to be postponed. Students should avoid wasting time on social media activities. You will be successful in competitive exams or similar exams.

Caution: Do not do anything unethical or unlawful. Beware, cheating in business may bring huge losses.

Remedy: Keep a small silver box filled with rice grains at home.

Originally published at https://astrologyindailylife.com on September 19, 2020.




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